Tuosist (Lohart)

Stone Circle - Co. Kerry

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V 824 663 (Pub.) Diameter 10.8m (Pub.)
Visited Aug 1998

Yes, there really is a stone circle in there somewhere. 
Also known as Lohart, Tuosist stands in the garden of a house by the R571, as the circle has been disturbed it is not possible to tell if this was a plain ring or an Irish multiple stone circle. We counted five circle stones standing, one fallen, a possible sixth lying within the circle and a small boulder near the centre which may be the remains of a boulder burial. With the exception of the SW stone, all of the circle stones are slab-like and the two standing to the north are rectangular with flat tops. Two of the circle stones have been split by frost, and one of these standing at the south has the wide, low form that axial stones in multiple or five stone circles often have. Given its domestic setting, we suspect that Tuosist has suffered a lot of disturbance over the years and its original form can only be guessed at today. Unfortunately it was impossible to take an overall picture of Tuosist because of the tree and the many ornamental shrubs growing within the circle.

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